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Why labor and farmers do not have COVID -19 ?

 From Sudip Sharma Chowdhury

GUWAHATI :More than 500 trains of Covid-19 have been detected and some of them are extremely deadly. It is so dangerous that the infected person dies before the inquiry report comes out. One thing everyone has noticed is that coronavirus is most commonly hunting people who live in air conditioners and eat fast food. The upper middle class and middle class have been hit by the virus but poor labourers and farmers did not appear to be dying of the virus. Everyone asks whether the workers do not have a corona.

This has been revealed in a research conducted in the US. Researchers at the University of California in the US have reported in a research on corona that corona infection can be fatal in people who do not do physical work or do extremely little. Such people have to be admitted to the hospital if they are infected. At the same time, the death toll in such patients is also high. Even if the manual workers become infected, the corona does not cause much harm to them. Sometimes they don’t realize that they were infected. The research, published in the British Journal of Support Medicine, suggests that people suffering from diseases like smoking, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer are also at risk of serious corona infection, but people who are not physically active are at a higher risk of infection than those suffering from the said diseases.

Research has also made it clear why corona infection in villages is not as deadly as it is in cities. In fact, the lifestyle of the villagers has been physical. Due to which corona could not cause much damage in rural areas. Perhaps the sweat from the body prevents the infection of coronavirus from taking effect. Coronaviruses are being hunted only by those who do not sweat. This is believed to be the main reason why corona infection swells in developed countries, including the United States, because lifestyle and technology do not cause much physical labor in European, US, etc. Due to which the infection went out of control there.

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