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Students led NGO to organise Marathon and Dogathon to raise funds for charitable causes

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Hyderabad: Six 18years old teenagers came together to organise a Run called “Heart & Sole Run- 2022” under the banner Vibhaag Foundation to raise funds for charitable causes.

The run will be held on 31st July, Sunday in the morning at 6.30am at ITC Kohenur Road in Madhapur.  The run will be held in three different categories, 2.5K, 5k and 10K.   Another run, Dogathon will be held on the same day and venue at 7.30am, informed Ashmit Tainwala, founder of Vibhaag Foundation in a press note issued in Hyderabad.

A Dogathon is a Dog Run.  It is a first of its kind charity drive with a mission to raise funds to aid “Stray Animal Awareness”  About 100 dogs and their owners are expected to participate in the event.

The two events will be organised in association with Every Paw Matters, Volunteers leac Every Paw Matters supporting dogs and other pets in need;  Vishwasa, an organization aiming to teach life skills, offer mental health attention to the underprivileged and raise mental health awareness simultaneously and The International Association of Lions Clubs, the biggest service organisation in the world. 

Vibhaag Foundation is a student- run foundation. It has raised funds in the past for a Charitable Clinic for Women and Children of Slum area run by Lions Club of Hyderabad Petals

Even the Medicines required to run the clinic for one year were arranged by student run NGO, Vibhaag Foundation. 

The teenagers lead NGO Vibhaag Foundation aims to raise INR Five lakh for various charitable causes. 

The organisers urge philanthropic minded public to join in large numbers and participate in the run. And through their participation they will help many charitable causes.

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