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Author Samridh Seth announces the launch of self-improvement book ‘Past Dwellers’

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The past is not a permanent state of being, but a stepping stone to the future, expresses the recently launched book ‘Past Dwellers’ by Samridh Seth. A Physics major pursuant at Boston University, USA, Samridh in his yesteryears has travelled to many parts of the world to pursue work experience in various sectors ranging from banking & investment to offshore drilling. Well versed with his previous decisions and the pandemic period allowing him a leeway to introspect his inhibitions from the past, he decided to pen down the anecdotes in a bid to help the readers who also dwelled in the past, like him, and are looking for a positive way forward.

The book throughout its length immerses the reader through a narrative conveying that instead of dwelling on the mistakes and regrets of the past, they must learn from them and open their mind and self to a new tomorrow, one that will be brighter, more enriched than before.

Published by AuthorsUpFront, Past Dwellers asks one to take control of their life and to not waste time and for the life to slip by. Learning is key, per the book, as it only translates to one’s evolution that is engrained in our DNA and something crucial that one must not shun away. Paging through the book, the book delves one deeper to understand the way their mind and body work to be able to change them and help mould themselves into the person that they desire to be.

Speaking about the launch of the book, Samridh expresses, “I took a gap year while pursuing my education to travel and track various work experiences across sectors such as banking & investment, aviation, refining, petrochemicals, offshore drilling, shipping, retail and corporate management to help me find my passion and a path that I want to follow going forward to build my future. After doing so, during the coronavirus pandemic, the 6-month lockdown gave me a chance to revisit my realisations and introspect carefully on my life and the various events that have helped me in developing my mindset. I soon realised that there might be others like me, who dwelled in the past and are looking for a positive way forward for which I started writing this book using my own, personal experiences to explain certain very important life lessons to try and help those, dwelling in the past, to get a clearer path to their future and understand themselves better through the process.”

The book is a summation of various lessons including – making wise choices; being conscious of the value of time; knowing the people you spend time with; using your senses to observe and absorb your environment; understanding your abilities and being able to tap them carefully, and most of all, building a strong foundation and never stopping learning, evolving and growing.

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