New Delhi: The Union Government has embarked upon a transformational programme of implementing international standards of emission and safety measures in the transport vehicles. The government is moving on the path of a long-term regulatory road map for the automobile industry to grow and increase its contribution to Gross Domestic Product. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, in a statement said, there are plans to bring Indian automotive industry at par with developed nations in such regulations.
The Ministry said, it has already notified a number of regulations for upgrading emission and safety features in Indian automobiles. These include the draft notifications for anti-lock braking systems, airbags, speed systems, reverse parking assist and crash standards. The Ministry is also in the process of finalization of implementation of standards for Electronic Stability Control systems and brake assist systems for relevant categories by next two years. The Ministry said, it is contemplating higher level of safety for all categories of vehicles.
The Ministry has identified certain priority areas for international standardization in this field. These include the tyre pressure monitoring system, if fitted for certain categories of vehicles, which is likely to come into force by October this year. It said, the standards for vehicle dimensions and safety of construction equipment vehicles have been notified. Similarly, notifications have already been issued for side stands, foot rests and external projections of two wheelers which will come into force soon.