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IFS and HOIST launch FLEXPLUS Enterprise Applications Services

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IFS today announced that it has partnered with HOIST to develop and deliver a mid-market specialised service offering to help further drive customer satisfaction in the IFS ecosystem.

FLEXPLUS is a flexible lifecycle support program offered to IFS mid-size customers worldwide, particularly tailored toward customers that require a high touch, low volume engagement with IFS experts. It provides an application service to more customers in their time zones and in a number of local languages, driving higher adoption and a more effective evolution of the solution in line with business expectations (the path to Evergreen). 

The goal for FLEXPLUS is to ensure that, regardless of their own capabilities, customers are realising value along the journey. Specifically, the new service reduces their need for internal expertise to deal with Level 1 and Level 2 issues and will provide faster time to resolution and in turn reduced impact on business.

As well as increasing value and accelerating the time to value from their investment in IFS, with this service customers will gain additional services such as training data management, application housekeeping, reporting, managed services and more. As a strategic IFS Partner, HOIST is committing to invest to maintain and develop capabilities, in line with IFS solution developments, therefore reducing the customer overheads associated with this.

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