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Jeremias Amoore in the new movie No Way Up: My role is multifaceted

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Berlin: Jeremias Amoore is in the movie No Way Up, currently in U.S. theaters. The action takes place in the Pacific Ocean. As the plane crashes into the Pacific Ocean, the passengers must escape before the plane eventually falls into a bottomless gorge, while also dealing with a group of sharks that circles the plane wreck. Speaking of his character, Jeremiah says: “I am playing the role of Jed Miller in No Way Up. Jed is a cool and ambitious engineer from LA’s high society. He goes on holiday with his friends and has a rude awakening when the trip doesn’t go as planned, challenging him in new territories. Jed is a multifaceted role and I had a lot of fun playing him!”.

Jeremias recently participated in the Meet & Greet event at the Berlinale Film Festival, the event organized by Crawford Talents, Red Carpet Actors, Black Univers, The Actors Home by Luci Lenox, which aims to create a network between actors, directors and producers. “I have a genuine interest in people’s lives, and sometimes organic connections form out of a mutual interest – Jeremiah says – I don’t usually network, but rather go to events to further my knowledge and craft. Sometimes you ‘click’ with fellow colleagues or other creatives when conversations open up, but most importantly I’d say an attitude of curiosity and generosity goes a long way when creating work together”.

For future projects, he says: “Giving, enjoying the work and growing every day as a person and in my craft! Performances in movies like the Godfather, Training Day or In The Fade inspired me deeply and I am planning to inspire others with my work as an actor as these movies have inspired me”.

Jeremia Amoore, a German national, has worked on the television series The Chelsea Detective, In the Case of Lily, Zero Chill and The Start-Up. In theater, he has appeared in Macbeth at the Kelvedon Hatch in London.

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