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New office Bearers for JITO

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Hyderabad: New office bearers for JITO(Jain International Trade Organization) Hyderabad Chapter Elected. In a virtual meeting just held in the city, all the office bearers were elected unanimously for the year 2020-2022. They will be in office for two years

JITO is a worldwide organisation of businessmen, industrialists, knowledge workers and professionals reflecting the glory of ethical business practices

The team elected is headed by Gautam Bhansali as Chairman and Vinod Ranka as Chief Secretary.

Surender Bantia , Gautam Sehlot , Basant Bafana are elected as Vice Chairmen; RupenderOstwal , Rohit Kothari as Secretaries; Arvind Srimal as Treasurer; Ashok Barmecha as Joint Treasurer and AbhayChourdia, PramodBhalghat, Anil Ostwal, Kamal Jain, Nishit Shah and Rajesh Chhajlani as Committee Members.

Responding to their election both Gautam Bhansali and Vindo Ranka said they would strive hard for the well being of JITO members in particular and society at large.

When the whole world is gripped under CORONA Virus, JITO Hyderabad has come out with JITO Covid Care Center to provide affordable Covid by converting a hotel into an Isolation centre and offered the most affordable service the city has ever witnessed. Hundred and thousands of benefitted from the same as private hospitals were charging heavily, JITO Covid Care Center came as a great relief to the middle-class families. JITO has been still running 17 such centers across the country.

JITO Hyderabad Chapter is a local arm of JITO, a worldwide body of Jains committed to spiritual awakening to perpetuate the Jain principles of non- violence, noble charities among others for a peaceful world with compassion towards all living beings and as a result, have a harmonious and a happy


JITO Hyderabad is the only Chapter in Telangana with 352members. JITO is a world wide organization, Headquarteredin Mumbai, has 68 chapters across world and present in 28 countries. Worldwide it has 13, 922 members. Who is who of the Jain community across the globe are its members.

Its objectives are very ideal which include: AarthikSudradhata, Shiksha, Seva. It believes in growth in business by mutual cooperation-‘Ekta se Safalta’. It aims to create a platform for young entrepreneurs for right Business contacts. It promotes in governance and politics & value-based people.

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