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Open Call for Artists to ‘Reimagine education’ with #WhatIf Global movement

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Dream a Dream, a Bangalore based not for profit, working to empower young people from vulnerable backgrounds to overcome adversity and flourish in a fast changing world, along with Artflute invites artists across the world to share art that inspires questions and engages with the idea of reimagining the education system for all our children instead of going back to ‘business-as-usual’. Artflute, the most loved online marketplace for world contemporary art, believes in exploring new ways of connecting and communicating to influence the world around us using art.

‘#WhatIf’ started as a collective movement with views and perspectives from a variety of stakeholders and change makers associated with the field of education with the aim to reimagine the existing system. Initiated by Dream a Dream, the movement expanded with 30 partners engaging actively to reimagine education. The movement aims to engage with different levers of the education ecosystem to provoke responses to chalk out compelling action built from a lens of empathy. 

“The best of humanity and humanitarianism comes from the arts. Art influences and moves us to become better versions of ourselves. Dream a Dream has collaborated with Artflute to extend an invitation and involve artists from across the world to be a part of the #WhatIf movement to share their creative voice towards reimagining the existing education system”, says Suchetha Bhat, CEO, Dream a Dream. “The initiative gravitates in finding ways to merge the two worlds of Art & Impact and initiate a dialogue to take deliberation forward into creating a community. As a part of it, we are inviting artists through an Open call to voice out their #whatif thoughts through their preferred/ specialized medium of choice”, says Padmaja Nagarur from Artflute.

The intention of this venture is to observe the reality, be still, pause, breathe and use our collective voice to reach out to the world to join hands together to rethink and reimagine education for millions of our children.

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