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Ronit Roy charms as dad-on-a-mission for an exclusive matchmaking service

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Mumbai: Popular actor Ronit Roy is seen in full fatherly mode as the face of VIP’s latest heartwarming ad films. VIP is an exclusive and personalised matchmaking service curated for the elite; a venture by Super Shark, Anupam Mittal’s leading matchmaking platform

In the film, Ronit Roy stars as the quintessential Indian dad looking for a suitor for his reel-life daughter, who seems not-so-happy about any marriage prospects. The actor approaches the daughter hand-in-glove with a consultant, displaying his natural acting chops by being sceptical about handing the matchmaking task to an agent. However, the daughter, after hearing about the exclusive benefits of VIP, looking at the profiles and conviction of the consultant, asks her father to leave it to the experts, highlighting the trust factor.

Ronit Roy, on featuring in the film, said, “The vision of VIP complements very well with the needs of the new generation, which is very careful while treading through the marital aspect of their lives. The privacy features and premium consulting are a great way to establish trust. I’m pleased to associate with a pioneering brand like which is India’s most trusted matchmaking platform.”

In another film, the actor enlists the advantages of taking up the membership of the VIP’s exclusive services. VIP just played a masterstroke by roping in Ronit Roy. With his evergreen charm, Roy cuts across generations making this campaign hit all the right emotional buttons!

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