New Delhi: A journalist was shot and seriously injured in Bihar on Sunday. The incident happened in the home district Nalanda of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Deepak Vishwakarma, a senior scribe was shot at and critically wounded by miscreants in broad daylight. Deepa has been admitted to hospital in grave condition.
Strongly condemning the brazen attack on the life of a fellow scribe journalist body Bharati Shramik Pathrakar Sangh( BSPS) demanded immediate arrest of the accused.
Dr. Indu Bansal, national spokesperson of BSPS said that the incident took place near Pipaltal turn of Deepnagar police station area of Nalanda, Bihar. Dr. Bansal said that according to the information received, journalist Deepak Vishwakarma had gone to Rajgir with his wife. While returning from Rajgir to Bihar Sharif, bike-riding journalist Deepak was shot by unknown miscreants near Pipaltal turn of Deepnagar police station area. The journalist and his wife fell from the bike after being shot were fired on them. The people present at the spot picked him up and took him to Sadar Hospital for treatment. Where he was referred to Patna in critical condition after first aid. As soon as information about the said attack was received, Nalanda DM Shashank Shubhankar and SP Ashok Mishra reached the hospital and took information about the incident. He confirmed that journalist Deepak Vishwakarma was shot and said that the matter would be resolved soon.
The dastardly attack on senior journalist Deepak was described as an assault on democracy, said BSPS National Secretary SN Shyam. BSPS Bihar State President Kumar Nishant, State General Secretary Sagar Suraj and BSPS National Executive members from Bihar Ajay Kumar, Sanjeev Jaiswal, Neeraj Kumar also condemned the attack on their brother journalist.